Background[edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “slideInRight” entry_delay= “0” entry_duration= “0.5” entry_timing= “linear” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” animation_repeat= “1” keep= “yes” animate_on= “load” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”]Calculate Your Payment![edsanimate_end]

Can you afford_Use the First Assured Mortgage FREE Mortgage Calculator to quickly see how the interest rate, down payment and terms affects your payment.

How To Calculate Your Mortgage Payment with this FREE tool:

⇒ For the Total Amount field use the expected purchase price.
For the Down Payment field use the amounts below for minimum down payments.

  • 5% of the purchase price is the minimum down payment for conventional loans
  • 3.5% of the purchase price is the minimum down payment for FHA loans
  • 0% minimum down for VA loans
  • 0% minimum down for USDA loans – Home must be in a qualifying rural area

⇒ For the Interest Rate field see the Daily Rate Report for today’s most prevalent rates.  In most cases your rate at First Assured us typically lower than the posted “most prevalent” rate.
For the Ammortization Period field use the number of years you would like for your term from 10 yrs to 30 yrs.
For the Payment Period field use “monthly”.

For a custom quote use our FREE Purchase Assistant tool.

*The information provided by our calculators cannot be guaranteed in regards to your individual financial position by All examples are hypothetical for illustrative purposes only. For an accurate quote for your purchase or refinance apply now or contact one of our offices. 


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