It's What I Do2As the owner/broker of an independent mortgage company, I provide mortgage financing to my customers for the purchase or refinancing of properties up to 4 units, utilizing a network of the best mortgage lenders and banks available in our market.  My job is to constantly analyze that network to make sure my customers are getting the lowest rates and best service after the closing.

Experience-  Along with managing branches, training loan officers, and advising, I’ve been originating mortgage loans for over 20 years, and I will personally handle your transaction from application to closing.

Local Service-  I’m licensed to originate mortgage loans in the State of Kansas.  My office is located in Lawrence, KS where we will handle the processing of your mortgage and arrange for your closing.

Lower Rates– Because I’m the owner/broker and have the independence to place your mortgage with multiple lenders I can deliver the lowest rates in the market on most transactions.

Transaction Types:  Purchase, Rate and Term Refinance,  and Cash Out Refinances.

Property Types:  Primary Residence,  Investment Properties, and Second Homes Up To 4 Units


FHA–  Lower down payments and great rates for lower credit scores.

VA– Best option for qualified veterans.

Conventional– Traditional home financing products.  As low as 5% down with great rates.

USDA– 100% financing for properties located in rural areas and income qualifies borrowers.

One Time Close Construction– One closing for the purchase and cost to build.


Joel Kaczor Owner/Broker

Apply Online At

Apply Via Telephone 785-856-5626




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